Booking on a training course is treated in a similar way in HPS LightTouch™ as making a purchase of a tangible product.
There are differences, however:
a training course is a unique event between start and end dates;
a training course has unique outcomes (such as examination results, feedback and CPD points awarded);
an attendee is very unlikely to attend an instance of the very same course again.
The system allows (approved) trainers to enter their own up-and-coming training courses. Such courses will be available for staff to book onto once they have been
approved by assigned company staff.
Training courses can be rated by Continuing Professional Development (CPD) hours. Attendees, having completed a course, will automatically attain corresponding CPD hours in their CPD account. A staff member's CPD account can also be added-to manually and this cumulative record becomes their evidence of professional knowledge accumulation while employed by the company.
Staff members can search-for and book one or more staff members onto approved training events. At the point of
purchasing, the PR threshold determines if a PR is needed in order to purchase the place(s). This is the same as for purchasing other products. If a PR is required, the system ensures that a PR is
raised as part of the booking process. As with other purcase types, the PR is submitted to their manager for approval. No re-keying of data is required if the PR route is used.
Staff can track the status of their booking from the system Console via their PR
and Purchases summary tables.
If the result of the PR process is "Approval", then a purchase will be initiated automatically by the system. The company purchasing function will formally purchase
the place and make payment unless any procedural or compliance irregularity is detected.